Sunday 21 April 2013

The Tour

Hey it's Flynn again! Yesterday was probably the best day so far in the holiday. In the morning mum and dad woke us up at 6:00 to go down and have a day tour with a man named Jerry. He made a few jokes while we were on the looooong car ride to Cenote Park Maya, which is really cool.  After we walked along the limestone path we had to go through a ritual performed by a shaman. He had something in a cup that I couldn't see (because I was too short) and said some Myan words that I couldn't understand. Then we went into the cool bit. After we put on a harness and gloves we went down underground into a big course sort of thing with water everywhere. The first thing I did was a zipline (that was really fun) . When I let go of the zipline and fell in the water I felt a catfish sucking my arm and it felt nice but weird. The next thing I did was a sort of zipline but there was a seat and you sat on it and it would swing on a long rope. The final thing I did there was a sort of rope bridge thing. There was a thin rope above you and one below you and you had to try and walk along it. Josh and I cheated a bit and held on to the bottom with our hands and swam to the end still holding the bottom rope. After we had lunch and a bit of dessert, we drove to Ek Balam, a Mayan city. There we had to climb up a really tall temple to see where the king lived. I got mum to look up how many steps there were and it turns out there were 108 of them! When we had finished trying to take pictures of iguanas and birds we went in the van and drove back to the Hotel.

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