Saturday 27 April 2013

DisneyWorld, a kingdom with big ears.

Yes, I know you miss the amazing-ness that is Josh, and here I am. *bows*

After making sure all of our things were packed, we had a quick breakfast in the club level place thing thing majiggitywhatsit. Some donuts here, cereal there, poptarts over thataway, etc. We then grabbed our suitcases and headed off to the concierge to check out. After a while, we hopped in the car and were driven to DisneyWorld.

Strangely, as soon as we pulled up and dragged our suitcases out of the trunk, Noni and Grandpa pulled up behind us in a taxi. Once we checked in, we unpacked our things and settled down a bit. With a quick thought, we caught a bus to Hollywood Studios and set off.

Unfortunately for us, mum decided it was a good idea to go on the Movie Ride first, with a short wait. Woopdie doo. The Movie Ride in five words: GET ME OUT OF HERE
Escaping with our lives, we then revived ourselves with the Rock 'N' Rollercoaster with the 'Lamo Folks' and man, were they horrified (except for Campbell).

With our stomachs growling, we headed to 50's Prime Time for lunch. Normal lunch - food, drinks, switching plates so Josh can get the kids meal, etc. After finishing my hot dog and chips, our waitor-like-figure grabbed my empty plate, walked to the center of the room and exclaimed, "See kids? This is how a plate should look." and balanced it in between three fancy plates on the wall.

Long story short after that, we went on a few more rides, ended up in Epcot, did the phineas and ferb thingie, and had dinner at some random mexican take away. The end.

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