Saturday 12 April 2014

Weeee're baaaaaaaack!

Hey there, my loyal followers. What, do you think the other two have loyal followers? Ha! Of course I'm Josh!

The Starrett Boys are back, and more ready to take on the world than ever. Dad has decided to stay out of this one, and will instead stay home and...sleep, I guess. No matter! Even with one member down, we will still do what we do every holiday - try to take over the world!

Saying goodbye at the airport, we flew to our first destination, Melbourne, but not before I was checked to see if I was carrying any explosives. They know about my crime ring already! We quickly put our suitcases away in our room, and headed downstairs. Catching a taxi into Chinatown, we met with one of mum's friends, Chris, for a first class dinner - a Chinese restaurant in an alleyway. Om nom nom.

Back at the hotel, we watched SpongeBob for a while before going to sleep.

Rushing this post so we can head out the door, later my loyal subjects!

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