Wednesday 16 April 2014

Cu Chi Cu Chi Cu

Flynn here! Today started off with an uncomfortable experience. We made our way to the lobby of the hotel and got picked up by our tour guides in a bus. We drove to the War Remnants Museum and we were greeted by a man who had no hands and a leg spasm. my brain was confused as I didn't know what to do or say. He tried to shake my hand with his arm but I stood frozen because I was nervous I guess. We then continued into the museum and made our way up to the top floor. I was quite bored as I had to sit outside of the rooms because there was gruesome and depressing photos and objects in there. Even though I didn't see anything at the museum, I am glad that I stayed away from the disturbing photos that my brothers saw. We were then rounded up in our group and hopped onto the bus again. After an hour of playing a Disney version of Jeapordy, we arrived at the Cu Chi Tunnels. We were each given a sticker to certify that we had payed and through the forest we went. We came to a pile of leaves and we were stopped by our tour guide. He asked if there was anything different there and he came to the leaves. He kicked the pile and revealed a hidden passage. We opened it up and we went inside. It was a short tunnel leading to a further point on the track. We then came to some a line of traps. We were shown how they were used and what they did. We went to a restaurant near the tunnels and had some lunch. We then left on the bus to the airport. We caught an airplane to Hoi An and drove to our hotel. The parents went off to dinner and left the kids in a little cottage with our tour guide. We played some word games and had some pizza. We then went back to our rooms and we are about to go to sleep. Flynn out!

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