Tuesday 15 April 2014

Avengers Assemble!

I am Josh. Day 4 of the adventure, and Adventures By Disney has begun!

We started the day with a long bus trip to the restrooms. They were quite small, but very interesting. Then we got another 10 minute bus trip to the water, where we were given the famous conical hats to keep on our journey.

We boarded a boat and sailed through the floating village - it's exactly as it sounds, a village on the water. We stopped next to another boat and bought some durian. We then had a snack of various strange fruits, such as rose apple, rambutan, and longan. Stopping for lunch, we had a huge meal, including the stinkiest fruit ever, durian (eww). Back to the hotel!

We had some downtime at the hotel, and I suited up for the special dinner ahead in a tuxedo print t-shirt which mum absolutely loves. We were having dinner in Stark Tower! Well, it didn't have the big Stark logo on it or anything, but it sure looked like it! I can only assume that it is what Stark Tower is based on.

Then we caught a bus back to the hotel and Hulk crashed.

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