Saturday 6 October 2012

Nightmare on Ice-Cream Street

Campbell here again. Sorry for being so late with the posts, we were just being lazy and were doing other stuff (like being lazy). Thursday was a busy day. The first thing we did was Sony Wonder Technology Labs. As soon as we got in, we got arm cards that had our accounts saved on them and went up through the elevator. The first activity was updating our account. We had to take a photo of ourselves, (obviously Josh and Flynn made stupid faces) choose our favourite music category, record our voice and pick a background for our picture. The next thing was photo editing. The screen came up with a whole bunch of accessories like fuzzy eyebrows,bow ties and big, stupid glasses. Obviously, we all used the glasses, ties and eyebrows. Josh, Flynn and I used the eyebrows as moustaches. A big button came up which said, 'See your photo!'. When I pressed it, my photo came up on a huge screen. The next activity was robot controlling. We each made settings for our robots like whether we wanted them to change colours or not. I made mine an attack robot because it's settings were if it sees another robot, it charges at it, if it is in front of a robot, it flashes bright lights at it and if lights flash at it, do a dance. Not sure what that has to do with attacking but I just like seeing robots dance. The next activity was robotic surgery thing. You had to stitch up a heart, slice open a lung to look for infections and cut out tonsils. Mum bailed straight away. The next few were animating ones, like making a character and providing it movements and different poses, making a scene for an animation and moving a character's joints around like you do. Then we made our own news segment that was shown around the whole place. Dad and I were cameramen, Josh was a on-site reporter, mum was the director and Flynn was the anchorman. Flynn was reading Josh's lines, mum wasn't sure what to do and Josh was saying stuff at the wrong time. While Flynn was talking, I started zooming up on his forehead and it somehow got in the footage. While Josh was talking, Flynn did random stuff like go, "boop boop de boop," and was tapping the desk and I videod it and again, it somehow got in the footage. When we saw the footage, we all laughed. The next thing we went to was a huge candy shop called, 'Dylan's Candy Bar'. It was three floors and all three floors combined were about the size of a Toys R Us! They had everything from personalized chocolates to bacon chocolate, (which obviously I bought) giant chocolate Easter bunnies to ice cream fudge. They had it all! The third floor though, this is what gave this post its title. We all go to the shops and get a one or two scoop ice cream with maybe one topping, but would you have gone for ten scoops? This ten scoop wasn't just in a cup, we picked the ten flavours, nine toppings and two sauces. Would you have gone for it? Somehow" after twenty gruelling minutes of scoop after scoop and the exercising to get the ice cream down, we did it! That is now one of my life achievements. That ice cream counted as our lunch and half of our dinner. So that's Thursday in a scoop.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Birthday boy

Hi it's Flynn. Today is my birthday and I am going to tell you all the things I saw today. First I got my presents. I got :100 dollars, an illusion book, a tile with a lady riding a zebra on it and my favourite present-a glow in the dark glass jellyfish. For lunch we went to a little restaurant called Peanutbutter And co. Every meal there had some peanut butter in it. For dinner we went to an Italian restaurant. I had cheese and pepper pasta but they had a cheese wheel that they melted and put the cheese in my pasta. My Birthday was AWESOME!!!!!!!!

Monday 24 September 2012

Time Goes Faster in Times Square

Campbell here. Today was our first full day in New York. We spent the day in the area of Times Square and there were so many shops. The first shop we went to was F.A.O. Shwarz (even though that ins't in Times Square). There were life-sized zebras, horses and bears. There was also a giant keyboard and we got a few different photos of J.T. Then we went to Toys R Us and it was soooooo huge! It had 3 floors and a huge section for each thing. It even had a ferris wheel. Inside! We also went to the Disney store, M&M world, (where you can make personalized M&Ms!) and Chocolate world.

Sunday 23 September 2012


Flynn speaking here. It is the first day of our trip. We drove to the Sydney airport,but while we were driving we saw a blue and white car that had heaps of support for the bulldogs (football team). It had about 50 stickers of bulldogs and even had a blue and white furry cover inside! we have finished the flight and are in San Francisco. I am a bit sad because my birthday has to wait an extra day because we crossed time zones. I am just saying to one of my BFs Julian. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Saturday 15 September 2012

Next stop USA

(Josh) One week till to go till the least exciting part of our 2012 trip - the plane flight. It tops off going through a boring airport with bad food. (Flynn)The bit I am looking forward to is waking up in New York on my Birthday! (Campbell) We have a koala bear from Jayes Travel that is coming with us. If we take photos with the bear in interesting places we can win $2000 of travel money.